About Q Gardens Farm Shop
At the Q Gardens Farm Shop we do our best to stock produce that has been grown, reared or made as locally as possible which includes fruit from our own orchards and meat from our own farm just a couple of miles away from the shop. The products on offer in our displays and counters vary with the seasons – from homegrown asparagus in May, through strawberries & raspberries, cherries, plums, damsons & gages, to apples & pears in the autumn.
Our knowledgeable butchery team is ready and waiting to serve you a wide range of butchery products - our own beef, which we insist is hung for at least a month, our own lamb, local pork and sausages made on site. Our butchers offer a traditional service and will happily offer you any advice required on cooking or serving suggestions - they will be pleased to cut meat to the size or thickness required.
Our shop stocks all the good things that you’d expect in a farm shop – plenty of other fruit & veg, pies & pastries, cheese, bread made from flour ground at the mill in Wantage, preserves, beers & wines. And look out for the ice cream cabinet – homemade ice cream and sorbets using our own fruit whenever we can.
We look forward to welcoming you soon!
Our opening hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday - Sunday 9am - 5pm
butchery counter unmanned from 2pm on Sunday afternoons.